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Plaid and haggis, set to music

Notes of Noy - Notes of Joy
Notes of Noy – Notes of Joy
By the Rowallan Consort

Temple Records: 1995

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This review first appeared in the November 3, 1995 issue of the North County Blade-Citizen (now North County Times).

If you have no need for the high tech of modern music – or if you're seeking the ambience of lying atop a heathered brae – the Rowallan Consort is just the music to bring rose to your cheeks and cheer to your heart.

The consort produces the sometimes gentle, sometimes rugged sounds of early Scotland, a land of weathered scapes and people. The lute, harp and vocals of the consort members combine for a result that is traditional yet easy to appreciate. The acoustic simplicity and the gentle melodies make for a nice contrast with the complex rhythms of the Gaels.