Albums first reviewed in The American Reporter
- 12 Rounds My Big Hero
- Adler, Robin It's About Time
- Alberstein, Chava Crazy Flower: A Collection
- Alexander, Monty Goin' Yard
- Allison, Mose Gimcracks and Gewgaws
- Allyson, Karrin Ballads: Remembering John Coltrane
- Alpert, Herb Passion Dance
- Los Amigos Invisibles The New Sound of the Venezuelan Gozadera
- Ammons, Gene Legends of Acid Jazz
- Anderson, Jon earthmotherearth
- Anderson, Osee Smokin' NOT! Jokin'
- Armstrong, Louis Now You Has Jazz
- Alvin, Dave Public Domain
- Ardoin, Chris, and Double Clutchin' Turn the Page
- Baker, Chet The Art of the Ballad
- Ball, Marcia, with Tracy Nelson and Irma Thomas Sing It!
- Basie, Count Live at the Sands (Before Frank)
- The Count Basie Orchestra Directed by Grover Mitchell Count Plays Duke
- Bass, Fontellaa & The Voices of St. Louis Travellin'
- Batutas, Os, & Paulo Moura Pixinguinha
- Songs From Bear in the Big Blue House
- BeauSoleil Cajunization
- Beck, Jeff You Had it Coming
- Benson, George Anthology
- Bermejo, Mili, and Dan Greenspan Duo
- Besharati, Farhad Reflections
- Bey, Andy Shades of Bey
- Big Joe and the Dynaflows I'm Still Swingin'
- Blakey, Art Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers With Thelonious Monk
- The Blazers Just For You
- The Blazers Puro Blazers
- Blue, Buddy Greasy Jass
- Blue, Buddy Dipsomania!
- Blue, Buddy Pretend It's Okay
- Blue's Big Treasure: A Musical Adventure
- Booker T. & the MGs Time is Tight
- Bourelly, Jean-Paul Fade to Cacophony: Live!
- Branco, Cristina Post-Scriptum
- Brazelton, Kitty Chamber Music for the Inner Ear
- Brozman, Bob and Takashi Hirayahsu Jin Jin/Firefly
- Brozman, Bob and Takashi Hirayahsu Nankuru Naisa
- Bill Bruford's Earthworks The Sound of Surprise
- Bill Bruford's Earthworks Random Acts of Happiness
- Buchman, Rachel Sing a Song of Seasons
- Burning Spear Appointment With his Majesty
- Byrne, David Feelings
- Castro-Neves, Oscar, and Paul Winter Brazilian Days
- Cephas and Wiggins Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad
- Chao, Manu Proxima Estacin: Esperanza
- Charming Hostess Eat
- Chavis, Boozoo Who Stole My Monkey?
- Chenier, C.J. Step it Up!
- Citrus Sun Another Time Another Space
- Clay, Otis This Time Around
- Clearwater, Eddie "The Chief" Cool Blues Walk
- Clinton, George, and the P-Funk All Stars Live ... and Kickin'
- Clusone Trio Love Henry
- Cole, Freddy Love Makes the Changes
- Cole, Freddy To the Ends of the Earth
- Cole, Freddy Rio de Janeiro Blue
- Cole, Steve Stay Awhile
- Coleman, Deborah Soft Place to Fall
- Coleman, Ornette Free Jazz
- Colman, Kenny Dreamscape
- Coltrane, John Giant Steps
- Coltrane, John My Favorite Things
- Coltrane, John Coltrane's Sound
- Conjunto Casino Montuno en Neptuno #960
- Conjunto Céspedes Flores
- Connick, Harry Jr. To See You
- Copeland, Shemekia Turn the Heat Up
- Copeland, Shemekia Wicked
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Box Set Original Recordings Remastered
- Darren, James Because of You
- Deep Rumba This Night Becomes a Rumba
- Desmond, Paul The Complete RCA Victor Recordings
- Desmond, Trudy My One and Only: A Gershwin Celebration
- Diego, Don This Must Be Heaven
- Dissidenten Instinctive Traveler
- Dolphy, Eric, with the Chico Hamilton Quintet The Original Ellington Suite
- Dorough, Bob Right on My Way Home
- Dorsey Brothers Swingin' in Hollywood
- Dorsey, Jimmy, and Tommy Dorsey Swingin' in Hollywood
- Dorsey, Tommy, and Jimmy Dorsey Swingin' in Hollywood
- Dorsey, Tommy, with his Orchestra and Frank Sinatra Love Songs
- Dose Hermanos Live From California
- Doucet, David 1957: Solo Cajun Guitar
- Dube, Lucky Taxman
- Eade, Dominique The Long Way Home
- Ellington, Duke Berlin '65 | Paris '67
- Engvall, Bill Dorkfish
- Ennis, Ethel If Women Ruled the World
- European Broadcasting Union Jazz Orchestra 100 Years of Duke Ellington
- Eyuphuro Yellela
- Ez Pour Spout Don't Shave the Feeling
- Fabulous Thunderbirds featuring Kim Wilson High Water
- Fahey, John The Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death
- Fahey, John Death Chants, Breakdowns and Military Marches
- Fatal Mambo Fatal Mambo
- Firesign Theatre Give Me Immortality Or Give Me Death
- Flannery, Tim Pieces of the Past
- Fleck, Bela, & the Flecktones Left of Cool
- Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band
- Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band Agada
- Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band Fire
- Foley, Sue Ten Days in November
- Formell, Juan, y Los Van Van Te Pone La Cabeza
- Frank, Keith, and the Soileau Zydeco Band Live at Slim's Y-Ki-Ki
- Funderburgh, Anson, and Sam Myers That's What They Want
- Funderburgh, Anson, and The Rockets featuring Sam Myers Change in My Pocket
- Gallant, Joe, and Illuminati Shadowhead
- Galliano, Richard, and Michel Portal Blow Up
- Galloway, Maggie More Than You Know
- Gandelman, Leo Perolas Negras
- Gardel, Carlos The Best of Carlos Gardel
- Garland, Judy Judy Garland in Hollywood: Her Greatest Movie Hits
- Gil, Gilberto Quanta Live
- Gilmore, Jimmie Dale One Endless Night
- Glaser, Don Slices of Life
- Gorn, Steve, and Warren Senders Wings and Shadows
- Goyeneche, Roberto Tangos Del Sur
- Graham, Len, with Garry O'Briain and Padraigin Ni Uallachain When I Was Young: Children's Songs From Ireland
- Granelli, J.A., and Mr. Lucky El Oh El Ay
- Granelli, Jerry and Jamie Saft The Only Juan
- Greenspan, Dan, and Mili Bermejo Duo
- Guaraldi, Vince Charlie Brown's Holiday Hits
- The Trey Gunn Band Live Encounter
- Guthrie, Woody This Land is Your Land
- Haley, Lisa, and the Zydekats Waiting for the Sky ...
- Hall, Lani Brasil Nativo
- Hamilton, Chico The Original Ellington Suite
- Hanrahan, Kip Vertical's Currency
- Hanrahan, Kip Days and Nights of Blue Luck Inverted
- Hanrahan, Kip A Thousand Nights and a Night (Shadow Night)
- Hanrahan, Kip, and Deep Rumba This Night Becomes a Rumba
- Harman, James Extra Napkins
- Harp, Everette What's Going On
- Harper, Ben The Will to Live
- Harris, Corey Greens From the Field
- Hasidic New Wave Psycho-Semitic
- Hawkins, Ted The Final Tour
- Hawkins, Ted Suffer No More
- Hawkins, Ted Love You Most of All: More Songs From Venice Beach
- Heads Up Super Band Live At the Berks Jazz Fest
- Hellborg, Jonas, with Shawn Lane, Apt. Q-258 Temporal Analogues of Paradise
- Hellborg, Jonas, with Shawn Lane Time Is the Enemy
- Hellborg, Jonas, with Shawn Lane, V. Selvaganesh Good People in Times of Evil
- Hellborg, Jonas Aram of the Two Rivers
- Hellborg, Jonas, with Shawn Lane and Jeff Sipe Personae
- Hill, Michael New York State of Blues
- Hinojosa, Tish Sign of Truth
- Hirayahsu, Takashi and Bob Brozman Jin Jin/Firefly
- Hirayahsu, Takashi and Bob Brozman Nankuru Naisa
- Hole, Dave Under the Spell
- Hooker, John Lee Don't Look Back
- Hooker, John Lee The Best of Friends
- The Hope Blister Smile's OK
- Hunter, Charlie Natty Dread
- Huun-Huur-Tu If I'd Been Born an Eagle
- Huun-Huur-Tu Where Young Grass Grows
- Inner lovetheonlyway
- I Roy Touting I Self
- James, Bob Dancing on the Water
- James, Etta Love's Been Rough on Me
- James, Etta 12 Songs of Christmas
- Jarrett, Keith, with Gary Peacock and Jack DeJohnette Tokyo '96
- Jelly Roll Kings Off Yonder Wall
- Jones, Quincy, and various artists Q: The Musical Biography of Quincy Jones
- The Quincy Jones Sammy Nestico Orchestra Basie & Beyond
- Jonethis, John Lounge Freak
- Juba Collective Juba Collective
- Kane, Ray Wa'ahila
- Kater, Peter Music from Discovery Channel: Eco-Challenge
- Kelly, Nancy Singin' and Swingin'
- King, B.B. Deuces Wild
- King, Chris Thomas Red Mud
- King Crimson ConstruKCtion of Light
- Kinsey Report Smoke and Steel
- Kirk, Rahsaan Roland The Inflated Tear
- The Klezmatics Possessed
- Klezmer Conservatory Band Dancing in the Aisles
- Lewis, Linda Gail, and Van Morrison You Win Again
- Liebert, Ottmar Christmas & Santa Fe
- Little Charlie and the Nightcats Shadow of the Blues
- Little Feat Hot Cakes & Outtakes
- Lomax, Alan Sing Christmas and the Turn of the Year
- Los Van Van Te Pone La Cabeza
- Love, Laura Fourteen Days
- Lundy, Carmen This Is Carmen Lundy
- Lynch, Ray Best of Ray Lynch
- Ma, Yo-Yo Soul of the Tango: The Music of Astor Piazzolla
- Madredeus O Porto
- Madredeus Movimiento
- Mahal, Taj Sacred Island
- Mahal, Taj Señor Blues
- Maher, Big Joe I'm Still Swingin'
- Mango Jam Preserves
- Marsalis, Delfeayo Musashi
- Marsalis, Wynton Blood on the Fields
- Mason, Karen When the Sun Comes Out
- Mathus, James, and his Knockdown Society National Antiseptic
- Mayall, John Padlock on the Blues
- Mayall, John Along for the Ride
- Mayfield, Curtis Superfly
- McCorkle, Susannah Someone to Watch Over Me: The Songs of George Gershwin
- McKennitt, Loreena The Book of Secrets
- McRae, Carmen Dream of Life
- Meadows, Marion Pleasure
- Menzel, Idina Still I Can't Be Still
- Metalwood The Recline
- Miller, Marcus M2
- Mingus, Charles Blues & Roots
- Mingus, Charles Oh Yeah
- Mingus, Charles The Clown
- Mingus, Charles Passions of Man: The Complete Atlantic Recordings
- The Bob Mintzer Quartet Quality Time
- Mitchell, Joni Both Sides Now
- Monk, Thelonious The Complete Prestige Recordings
- Monk, Thelonious Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers With Thelonious Monk
- Montgomery, Jocelyn Lux Vivens: The Music of Hildegard von Bingen
- Morley Sun Machine
- Morrison, Van, and Linda Gail Lewis You Win Again
- Moura, Paulo, & Os Batutas Pixinguinha
- Muldaur, Geoff Passport
- Murray, David Fo Deux Revue
- Musselwhite, Charlie Rough News
- Musselwhite, Charlie Continental Drifter
- Myers, Sam, and Anson Funderburgh That's What They Want
- Myles, Heather Highways & Honky Tonks
- Naftule's Dream Search for the Golden Dreydl
- Naked Jazz Takes Off
- Narell, Andy Fire in the Engine Room
- Neal, Kenny Deluxe Edition
- Nelson, Tracy, with Marcia Ball and Irma Thomas Sing It!
- The Nields If You Lived Here You'd Be Home Now
- Nieske, Bob, and Wolf Soup The Question
- Norcia, Sugar Ray Sweet & Swingin'
- Ondar Back Tuva Future
- Outerstar Outerstar
- Padron, Julio, y Los Amigos de Santa Amalia Descarga Santa
- Pahinui, Cyril Night Moon/Po Mahina
- Pardo, Jorge In a Minute
- Patitucci, John Now
- Patterson, Rahsaan Rahsaan Patterson
- Pe De Boi Power Samba Band
- Perkins, Bill, with Bud Shank Bud Shank/Bill Perkins
- Peters, Red Ol' Blue Balls is Back
- Phillips, Sonny Legends of Acid Jazz
- Piaf, Edith L'accordeoniste
- Piaf, Edith Mon Legionnaire
- Piazza, Rod, and the Mighty Flyers Tough and Tender
- Piazzolla, Astor, and Horacio Ferrer Maria de Buenos Aires: Tango Operita
- Portal, Michel, and Richard Galliano Blow Up
- Powell, Doc Don't Let the Smooth Jazz Fool Ya
- Previn, Andre, with David Finck We Got it Good And That Ain't Bad
- Price, Toni Sol Power
- Principato, Tom Really Blue
- Prior, Maddy Flesh & Blood
- Prior, Maddy Ravenchild
- The Psychic Horns The Psychic Horns
- Purdie, Bernard Soul to Jazz II
- Quartango Compadres
- Quintero, Juan Carlos Los Musicos
- Rattle, Simon, directing the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Classical Ellington
- Redding, Otis Dreams to Remember: The Otis Redding Anthology
- Reed, Francine Here Comes Frani Claus
- Regina, Elis Vento de Maio/May Wind
- Rhodes, Happy Many Worlds Are Born Tonight
- Roach, Archie Looking for Butter Boy
- Rose, Michael Never Give It Up
- Rubin, Vanessa Girl Talk
- Rumba Club Radio Mundo
- Russell, Tom Song of the West
- Russell, Tom The Long Way Around
- Ryan, Cathie The Music of What Happens
- Saffire The Uppity Blues Women Live & Uppity
- Saft, Jamie, and Jerry Granelli The Only Juan
- Sanchez, Poncho Freedom Sound
- Sardinas, Eric Treat Me Right
- Savoy Brown The Blues Keeps Me Holding On
- Sebesky, Don Joyful Noise: A Tribute to Duke Ellington
- Senders, Warren & Antigravity Boogie for Hanuman
- Senders, Warren and Steve Gorn Wings and Shadows
- Shank, Bud, with Bill Perkins Bud Shank/Bill Perkins
- Shank, Kendra Wish
- Simiem, Terrance Positively Beadhead
- Simiem, Terrance The Tribute Sessions
- Sinatra, Frank, with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Love Songs
- Sixpence None the Richer Sixpence None the Richer
- Skaggs, Ricky, with Kentucky Thunder Bluegrass Rules!
- Sly and Robbie Friends
- Smith, Keely Swing, Swing, Swing
- Sokolov, Lisa Lazy Afternoon
- Solberg, James L.A. Blues
- Spencer, Leon Legends of Acid Jazz
- Sprague, Peter Nikki's Rose
- Spyro Gyra In Modern Times
- Stewart, Bob Then & Now
- Stivell, Alan 1 Dour
- Stivell, Alan ZOOM
- Story, Liz 17 Seconds to Anywhere
- Summers, Andy The Last Dance of Mr. X
- Taubkin, Daniel BRAzSIL
- Taylor, Koko Royal Blue
- Taylor, Melvin Dirty Pool
- Tedeschi, Susan Just Won't Burn
- Teletubbies: The Album
- Thomas (King), Chris Red Mud
- Thomas, Irma The Story of My Life
- Thomas, Irma, with Marcia Ball and Tracy Nelson Sing It!
- Thompson, Bob Lady First
- Thompson, Hank Seven Decades
- Tickell, Kathryn The Gathering
- Timmons, Bobby Moanin' Blues
- Torme, Mel Lulu's Back in Town
- Trower, Robin Someday Blues
- Tunnels Progressivity
- Us3 broadway & 52nd
- Vega, Tata Now I See
- Verguiero, Guilherme Amazon Moon: The Music of Mike Stoller
- Walter, Robert There Goes the Neighborhood
- War Colección Latina
- Waters, Muddy Paris, 1972
- Weathersby, Carl Restless Feeling
- Weston, John Got to Deal With the Blues
- Whalum, Kirk The Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter 1
- Widespread Panic bombs & butterflies
- Williamson, Patrice My Shining Hour
- Wilson, Kim, with the Fabulous Thunderbirds High Water
- Wilson, Matt, with David Berkman, Joel Frahm, Pete McCann and Ben Allison The Other Side of Ellington
- Winter, Johnny Live in NYC '97
- Winter, Paul, and Oscar Castro-Neves Brazilian Days
- Wirtz, The Rev. Billy C. Unchained Maladies
- Wolf Soup The Question
- Wolfstone Pick of the Litter
- Wopat, Tom The Still of the Night
- Yat-Kha Dalai Beldiri
- Young, Mighty Joe Mighty Man
- Ziegler, Pablo Asfalto: Street Tango
- Ziegler, Pablo Tango Romance: Music of Buenos Aires
- Various artists All-Star Christmas
- Various artists Angels in the Mirror: Vodou Music of Haiti
- Various artists Arthur's Perfect Christmas
- Various artists Be Thou Now Persuaded: Living in a Shakespearean World
- Various artists Irving Berlin in Hollywood
- Various artists Blues Across America: The Dallas Scene
- Various artists Blues Across America: The Detroit Scene
- Various artists Blues in the Night: The Jazz Giants Play Harold Arlen
- Various artists Blue Moon: The Jazz Giants Play Rodgers & Hart
- Various artists Brain in a Box
- Various artists Brazil Now
- Various artists Calle 54: Music From the Motion Picture
- Various artists Caravan: The Jazz Giants Play Duke Ellington
- Various artists Casablanca: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
- Various artists Celtic Christmas IV
- Various artists China: Time to Listen
- Various artists The Colors of Christmas
- Various artists The Dance of Heaven's Ghosts
- Various artists Divine Divas: A World of Women's Voices
- Various artists El Son No Ha Muerto
- Various artists Global Voices: A Vox Set
- The Soundtrack to Dr. Seuss' 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas!' and 'Horton Hears a Who!'
- Various artists Hempilation II: Free the Weed
- Various artists Hot Rod Holiday
- Various artists Hot Rods & Custom Classics: Cruisin' Songs
- Various artists A Jazz Christmas
- Various artists Jazz Christmas Party
- Various artists The Last Soul Company
- Various artists Legends of Ukelele
- Various artists Lullabies for Little Dreamers
- Various artists Lullaby of Broadway: The Jazz Giants Play Harry Warren
- Various artists Mas Mambo Mania: More Kings and Queens of Mambo
- Various artists More Reggae for Kids
- Various artists Music From the Zydeco Kingdom
- Various artists Night and Day: The Jazz Giants Play Cole Porter
- Various artists On a Starry Night
- Various artists Paris Musette, Vol. 3
- Various artists The Prestige Records Story
- Various artists Q: The Musical Biography of Quincy Jones
- Various artists RCA Victor 80th Anniversary Collector's Edition
- Various artists Reggae for Kids: Movie Classics
- Various artists The Renaissance Album
- Various artists Respect: A Century of Women in Music
- Various artists Music From the Motion Picture "The Talented Mr. Ripley"
- Various artists The Rough Guide to Cajun and Zydeco
- Various artists The Rough Guide to the Music of Brazil
- Various artists The Rough Guide to the Music of Portugal
- Various artists Saoco! Masters of Afro-Cuban Jazz
- Various artists Sketches of James
- Various artists Thank You, Duke!
- Various artists Thanksgiving
- Various artists Traveller: Music From the Motion Picture
- Various artists Unblocked: Music of Eastern Europe
- Various artists A Winter's Solstice VI
- Various artists A Winter Solstice Reunion
- Various artists Yesterdays: The Jazz Giants Play Jerome Kern